Close to Allah the best place is the Mosque and the worst is the town centre (shopping areas).

Dua of going into the Mosque

When you enter a Mosque, first pray the Durood Sharif and then pray this Dua 'Rabbigh Firli Zunubi Waftahli Abwaaba Rahmatik' and when coming out of the Mosque first pray the DuroodSharif and then pray this Dua'Rabbigh Firli Zunubi Waftahli Abwaaba Fadlik'


The Namaz of Witr is Wajib and if for some reason it has not beer prayed during it's allocated time then it's Qaza is also Wajib [Alamgiri, Hidaya]. Witr Namaz contains three Rakaat to be performed with one Salaam, the same as the Maghrib Namaz. The first Qaidah is Wajib, meaning after two Rakaats you must sit down and only pray Attahiyat and then stand back up and pray Alhamdo and a Surat and then lift both hands upto the ear lobes and whilst saying Allaho Akbar fold them again and pray 'Dua-e-Kunoot'. After praying Dua-e-Kunoot perform Rukooh and finish the Namaz as normal.

When can Witr be prayed with Jamaat?


Rules of Sunnat-e-Maukida and Ghair Maukida

There are many Sunnats which are regarded as Maukida, whereby it has been regarded as important in Shariat and to miss it even once without reason is worth reprimanding, and to make a habit of missing them would mean being a wrongdoer (Fasiq) who's giving oath would not be counted and is worthy of hell. To miss it is close to Haram and those who miss it have a risk of not being interceded on the day of judgement. Sunnat-e-Maukida is sometimes also referred to as Sunun-e-Hidaya. Many Sunnats are Ghair Maukida and are sometimes referred to as Sunun-e-Zawa'id and it's importance has not been defined in Shariat and sometimes is quoted as Mustahhab. Nafl are those actions which by doing would gain reward and to miss carries no punishment and there is no harm in missing.

Namaz which is Sunnat-e-Maukida

Rules of missing Sunnats

When Nafl is allowed

Mustahhab Namaz

Salaatul Awaabeen

Where is it better to pray Sunnat and Nafl ?

Namaz of Tahajjud

After praying Isha and after sleeping, the time that you wake up is the time of Tahajjud, however, it is better to pray in the last third of the night. Tahujjud is Sunnat and is prayed without the intention of Sunnat and is at least two Rakats and most is eight Rakats [Fatahul Qadir, Alamgiri].

Namaz Ishraq

This Namaz is also Sunnat. After praying Fajr keep on praying the Durood Sharif. After the sun has risen slightly meaning at least twenty minutes from the start of sunrise has passed, then pray two Rakats.


This is also Sunnat and there are at least two Rakats or at the most twelve Rakats, and it is better to pray all twelve. The time for this is when the sun has well risen upto the start of midday, however, it is better to pray it when the sun has quarter risen in the sky.

Namaz Istikhara

It has been quoted in the Hadiths that when a person makes an intention for something then he should pray two Rakats Nafl. In the first Rakat after Alhamdo pray 'QuI Yaa Ayyuhal Kafiroon' and in the second Rakat after Alhamdo pray 'QuI Huwallaho Ahad' and then pray the following Dua and with Wuzu face the Qibla and go to sleep. At the beginning of the Dua and at the end, pray Alhamdo and Durood Sharif. The Dua is as follows;

"Allahumma inni Astakhiruka Bi ilmika Wa Astakdiruka Bi Qudratika Wa As'aluka Min Fadlikal Azueemi Fa innaka Taqdiru Wala Aqdiru Wa Ta'lamu Walaa A'lamu Wa anta Allamul Ghuyub Allahumma In kunta Ta'lamu Anna Hazal Amra Khairulli Fi Deeni Wa Ma'aashi Wa Aaqibati Amri Wa Aajili Amri Wa'Aajilihi Faqdurhuli Wa Yasirrihuli Summa Baarikli Feehi Wa'inkunta Ta'lamu Anna Hazal Amra Sharruli Fi Deeni Wa ma'aashi Wa'Aaqibati Amri Wa Aajili Amri Wa Aajilihi Fa'asrif'hu Anni Wa as'rifni Anhu Waqdur liyal Khaira Haiysu Kaana Summa Raddini Bihi"

At both 'Al Amra' mention your request. Just like in the first one say 'Haza Safara Khairuli' and in the second one say "Haza Safara Sharruli' [Guniya].

When should Istikhara be done ?

Namaz-e-Haajat (Fulfilling Needs)

When someone has a need from Allah Ta'ala or requires something from a person or they are in some sort of difficulty, then carefully perform Wuzu and then pray two or four Rakats Nafl Namaz. In the first Rakat after Alhamdo pray 'AyatuI Kursi' three times. In the second Rakat after Alhamdo pray 'QuI Huwallaho Ahad' once. In the third Rakat after Alhamdo pray 'QuI A'oozo Birabbil Falaq' once and in the fourth Rakat after Alhamdo pray 'QuI A'oozo Birabbin Naas' once. After Salaam pray the following three times;

"Huwallahul Lazi Laa'ilaha illa Huwa Aalimul Ghaibi Wash'shahaadati Huwar Rahmanur Rahim" then three times pray "Subhanallahi Walhamdo Lillahi Wa Laailaha illallaho Wallaho Akbar Walaa Hawla Walaa Quwwata illa Billah"

then three times pray a Durood Sharif and then pray this Dua;

"La ilaha illallahul Hakeemul Kareem Subhanallahi Rabbil Arshil Azeem Alhamdo Lillahi Rabbil Aalameen As'aluka Maujibaati Rahmatika Wa'azaai'ma Maghfiratika Wal Ghanimati Min Kulli Birriw Wassalamata Min Kulli Ismin Laatada' Li Zamban illa Ghafaratahu Walaa Hamman illa Farrajtahu Walaa Haajatan Hiya Laka Rizan illa Qafaytuhi Yaa Ar'hamarraahimin"

Namaz of Tarawih

Tarawih is the twenty Rakat Namaz that is Sunnat-e-Maukida and is prayed in the month of Ramadan after the Farz Namaz of Isha every night.



If a person due to illness cannot stand and pray Namaz then they should sit and pray Namaz. Whilst seated he should perform Rukooh by leaning far forward and pray 'Subhana Rabbial Azueem' and then sit back up straight and then go into Sijdah as normal. If he is not able to pray Namaz whilst being seated then he should lay down and pray. The method is to lay down flat and point the feet towards Qibla and keep the knees up and keep a pillow underneath the head so that the face is pointing towards Qibia and the head is higher than the rest of the body. To perform Rukooh and Sijdah by actions, for the Sijdah lean the head completely forward and for the Rukooh lean the head slightly forward. In the same way Namaz can also be prayed lying on your left or right side.

When can an ill person miss Namaz. ?


To make a Namaz Qaza without genuine Shariat reason is a big sin and to pray the Namaz is Farz and is necessary to perform repentance with sincerity. By the use of repentance or having the Hajj accepted will eradicate the sin for delaying the Namaz [Durr-e-Mukhtar].

Description of Qaza

Time of Qaza

Which Qaza Namaz is forgiven


Age of becoming an Adult

To be illiterate is not an excuse

Compensation for Namaz (Fidya)

Qaza-e-Umri does not exist


According to Shariat a traveller is a person who leaves his village or area with an intention of travelling for a distance of three days.

Distance of Travel and the application of Qasr


The meaning of Qasr

It is Wajib for a traveller to perform Qasr for Namaz, meaning For four Rakat Farz he should pray two Rakats as for the traveller this the full Namaz.

No Qasr for Sunnats

Conditions of intention when reaching destination

For the intention of reaching destination to be correct there are six conditions, meaning when all six conditions have been fulfilled then he will have finished his full journey, otherwise not.

When you stop walking, if you make the intention whilst walking then you haven't finished your journey.

Wherever you have stopped is fit for stopping, meaning a jungle or boat in a river or ship at sea does not end the journey.

The intention is to stay for fifteen days, if the intention is for less then you will not have finished your journey.

This intention is for one place, if it is for two separate places, i.e. to stay in one place for ten days and the other for five days then you will not have finished your journey.

Your intention is made by yourself and not under the influence of another person who has authority over you and you have total control of your own intention.

When can a traveller and non traveller follow each other

Definition of proper home town

A Woman cannot travel without a Mahrum


Whether a person is a traveller due to religion or due to worldly affairs once he leaves the outskirts of his town he can pray Nafl Namaz on his conveyance (vehicle of travel e.g. car, horse, camel etc.) whilst seated and he can perform the Namaz whilst seated and perform the Rukooh by action and the Sijdah by bending slightly more than the Rukooh. Do not place your head on an ornament to perform Sijdah or put something on it to perform Sijdah as this is not allowed and whichever way the conveyance is going, keep your face pointing that way as to point it in another direction is not allowed even for the Takbeer-e-Tahrima it is not necessary for the face to be towards the Qibla [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Radd-ul-Mohtar].

Situations when Namaz can be prayed on a conveyance

Praying Namaz on a moving train

Praying Namaz on a boat or ship.


Juma is Farz-e-Ain meaning obligatory on all individuals. It's obligation is more important than Zohr and those who reject it is a Kafir [Durr-e-Mukhtar, etc.]. It is quoted in the Hadith that those who miss three Jumas has thrown Islam behind them, and he is a hypocrite and is disassociated from Allah [Ibne-Khuzaima, Imam Shafaee].

Conditions of Juma

First Condition - Town or Outskirts of town

Town means a place which has many streets and a shopping centre or markets etc. It also has a district and villages belonging to that district. There must also be a judge or mayor belonging to it whom by his power or authority can ensure people go on trial and justice is upheld, even though he may himself be injustice or does not uphold the law. Outskirts of town mean them places which are constructed because of the town, such as a cemetery, stables for horses, barracks for the army and courts and these are on the outskirts of the town to give service to the town and Juma is allowed there. Therefore the Juma should be either prayed in the city or town or the outskirts of the town, it is not allowed in the villages [Guniya, Bahar-e-Shariat]. Rule: For the town, it's judge or mayor needs to reside there and if he travels and goes elsewhere that place visited will not become a town and the Juma would not be allowed there [Radd-ul-Mohtar, Bahar-e-Shariat]. Rule: If a person who lives in a village goes to a town and intends to stay there that day then the Juma is Farz for them.

Multiple places in a town where Juma can be prayed

Who should lead the Juma ?

There is a very important point that people have not been paying attention to and have been treating Juma like other normal Namaz and whoever wishes has started a new Juma and whoever wishes they have lead it, this is not allowed, because leading the Juma is the duty of the king of Islam or his deputies and wherever there is not Islamic rule then the highest qualified scholar who is from the correct faith of Ahl-e-Sunnat Wa Jamaat is the person who substitutes the Sultan of Islam and ensures that the rules of Islamic law are followed should lead the Juma, and without his permission the Juma cannot be performed. If this is not possible then the person who people choose as their Imam has to lead the Juma prayers. Also whilst the majority of people being present some of them cannot make a person an Imam or four people decide on an Imam, this type of Juma is not proven anywhere [Bahar-e-Shariat].

Second Condition - King or leader

Leader means a Sultan of Islam or his deputy whom the Sultan has given authority to lead the Juma prayers. Even if the Sultan is a ferocious person or a good person he can lead the prayers. If a person has forced himself into power and according to Shariat he has no right of becoming an Imam, such as he is not a Qureshi or does not fulfil any other condition he can still call for juma prayer [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Radd-ul-Mohtar etc.].

Third condition - Time

The time of Juma is the time of Zohr, meaning the Juma should be prayed in the time that Zohr is prayed and if in Juma Namaz you got upto praying Attahiyat and the time of Asr started then the Juma Namaz becomes void and you would have to pray the Qaza of Zohr.

Fourth Condition - Khutba (Speech)

What is known as a Khutba

Things that are Sunnat in the Khutba Rule:

Rule: The things that are Sunnat in the Khutba is;

It is better to start the Second Khutba like this:

"Alhamdo Lillahi Nahmadaho Wa Nasta'eenuhu Wa Nastaghfiruhu Wanu'Minu Bihi Wanatawakkalu Alaihi Wa Na'uzubillahi Min Shururi Anfusina Wa Min Sayyi Aati A'malina Mayyahdihillahu Fala Mudillalah Wamayyudlillhu Falaa Haadiyalah Wanash Hadu An La ilaha illallahu Wahdahu La Sharika Lahu Wa Nash Hadu Anna Sayyadina Wa Maulana Muhammadan Abduhu Wa Rasooluh"

If a person is in front of the Imam then he should face the Imam and if he is either on his left or right side then he should turn towards the Imam. It is better to be close to the Imam, however, it is not allowed to cross other people's necks to get there. Although if the Imam has not yet stood up for the Khutba and there is space near the front then it is allowed to go there and if the Imam has already started the Khutba and you then enter the Mosque, then you should sit in the nearest space or corner available. You should sit whilst listening to the Khutba as you sit in Qaidah in Namaz [Alamgiri, Durr-e-Mukhtar, Guniya and Bahar].

Fifth Condition - Jamaat

Except for the Imam there must be at least another three men, otherwise the Juma will not count [Hidaya, Shareh Wiqaya, Alamgiri, Qazi Khan].

Sixth Condition - Acceptance of all

This means that the doors of the mosque are opened so that anyone wishing could attend the Juma, no-one must be stopped or prevented. If in a major Mosque (Jamia Mosque) when everyone gathers, the doors were locked behind then the Juma will not count [Alamgiri].

Wajibs of Juma

There are eleven aspects that make Juma Wajib and if even one of these were not fulfilled then it is not Farz but even if he prayed the Juma it will count and in fact for an adult male who is sane it is better to pray the Juma and for a woman it is better to pray Zohr. The conditions are as follows;

  1. To be resident in the town or city.
  2. Juma is not obligatory on an ill person. The illness must be so bad that the person cannot go to the Mosque where Juma prayers are held or if he did go his illness would get worse or it would delay the illness from getting better [Guniya]. A very old person is treated in the same context as an ill person [Qazi Khan, Durr-e-Mukhtar, Fatahul Qadir].
  3. To be free. Juma is not Farz on a slave and his master can forbid him [Alamgiri, Qazi Khan].
  4. Juma is Farz on males, it is not Farz on females.
  5. To be an adult.
  6. To be sane. Both these conditions are not specifically for Juma but for all worship to be Wajib you must be an adult and be sane.
  7. To have sight. Juma is not Farz on the blind, however, it is Farz on the blind person who can walk around the streets without help or assistance and can reach the Mosque on his own accord [Durr-e-Mukhtar etc.].
  8. The person can walk and therefore is not handicapped. However, if he is lame but can walk to the Mosque, then Juma is Farz on him.
  9. Juma is not Farz on an imprisoned person who is in Jail. However, it is Farz for a person who has been imprisoned due to debt and is rich and therefore has the means to pay off the debt.
  10. To have fear. If a person has the fear of a king or thief or an oppressor or is worried that he will be imprisoned because he does not have the means to pay off a debt, then Juma is not Farz on them [Radd-ul-MohtarJ.
  11. If there is a fear of a storm or flood or snow or hurricane, meaning that it would cause you harm if you went out in this weather then Juma is not Farz.

Some more Rules of Khutba

As soon as the Imam stands up for the Khutba all Namaz and Zikr and any type of conversation is forbidden. The only exception is that a Sahib-e-Tarteeb can pray his Qaza Namaz. If a person is praying a Sunnat or Nafl Namaz then they should finish it quickly [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Bahar}.

When is it Wajib to prepare and rush for Khutba ?


Eid (meaning Fitr and Eid ud Duha) Namaz is Wajib but not for all. It is only Wajib for those for whom Juma is Wajib and the conditions for it are the same as those Juma except in Juma the Khutba is Wajib and for Eid it is Sunnat. If the Khutba was not prayed for Juma then the Juma would not count and if it was not prayed for Eid then the Namaz would count but a bad act has been done. The other difference is that in Juma the Khuba is prayed before Namaz and in Eid it is prayed after. If the Khutba is prayed for Eid before the Namaz then a bad act has been done but the Namaz will count and there is no need to repeat the Khutba and there is no Azaan or Iqamat for Eid Namaz, the only thing that is allowed is to say 'AssalaatuI Jamia' twice [Qazi, Alamgiri, Durr-e-Mukhtar].

The following points are Mustahhab on Eid days;

  1. To cut your hair
  2. To cut your nails
  3. To bathe
  4. To perform Miswaak
  5. To wear good clothes, if you have new then they should be worn, otherwise washed.
  6. To wear a ring (which is allowable in Shariat)
  7. To wear scent
  8. To pray the morning prayer in the Mosque in your area
  9. To go to the Eid place (Eid Gaah) early
  10. To give Sadqah-e-Fitr before the Namaz
  11. To walk to the Eid Gaah.
  12. To return back from a different route.
  13. To eat a few dates before going to Namaz. They should be either three, five, seven etc. but an odd number. If you do not have dates then eat anything sweet before Namaz and if you do not do this then there is no sin but not to eat anything before Isha, then there will be dissatisfaction [Radd-ul-Mohtar etc.].
  14. To show happiness
  15. To give Sadqah openly
  16. To go to the Eid Gaah respectfully, relaxingly and with your sight lowered.
  17. To congratulate each other.

All the above points are Mustahhab.

Method of praying Eid Namaz

The method is to make intention for Eid-ul-Fitr or Eid-ud-Doha for two Rakats Wajib and then lift your hands up to your ears and say 'Allaho Akbar' and then fold them below the navel as normal. Now pray 'Sana' and then say Allaho Akbar and lift your hands upto your ears and release them and again lift your hands and say Allaho Akbar and release them again and then lift your hands again and say Allaho Akbar and then fold them. Meaning fold your hands after the first and fourth Takbeer and the second and third Takbeers release your hands. The best way to remember is that if there is something to pray after the Takbeer then fold your hands and where there is nothing to pray release your hands and hang them on the side. After folding your hands after the fourth Takbeer the Imam will quietly pray 'A'oozubillah' and 'Bismillah' and then he will pray 'Alhamdo' and a Surat loudly and then go into Rukooh and Sijdah and complete one Rakat. Then in the second Rakat the Imam will first pray the Alhamdo and a Surat then lift your hands to your ears and say Allaho Akbar and release them and do not fold them and repeat this twice more, therefore a total of three times and on the fourth time say Allaho Akbar and without lifting your hands go into Rukooh. This therefore means that in Eid Namaz there are six extra Takbeers, three before Qirayat and after Takbeer-e-Tahrima in the first Rakat and three after Qirayat in the second Rakat and before the Takbeer for Rukooh. Also in all the extra Takbeers you must lift your hands and between two Takbeers a gap of three Tasbeehs should be made and it is Mustahhab in the Eid Namaz to pray after Alhamdo, 'Surah Juma' in the first Rakat and 'Surah Munafiqoon' in the second or in the first pray 'Sabbih Ismi' and in the second 'Hal Ataaka' [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Bahar]. After Namaz the Imam will pray two Khutbas and whatever aspects are Sunnat in the Juma Khutba they are also Sunnat in the Eid Khutba and whatever aspects are Makrooh in the Juma Khutba they are also Makrooh in the Eid Khutba. There are only two differences and they are that in Juma before the first Khutba it is Sunnat to sit down and here it. is Sunnat not to sit down, and secondly it is Sunnat in this Khutba to pray Allaho Akbar nine times before the first Khutba and seven times before the second Khutba and fourteen times before standing down from the Mimbar and in the Juma Khutba it is not [Alamgiri, Durr-e-Mukhtar, Bahar].

The Time of Namaz of Eid and Bakr Eid and duration

What is Takbeer Tashreeq

The Takbeer Tashreeq is called from the ninth of Zil Hajj from Fajr to the thirteenth of Zil Hajj Asr, after every Farz Namaz that is prayed via main Jamaat and to call it once loudly is Wajib and three times is better. The Takbeer Tashreeq is as follows 'Allaho Akbar Allaho Akbar La ilaha illallah Wallaho Akbar Allaho Akbar Walillahil Hamd' [Tanweerul Absar, Bahar].

For Whom is Takbeer Tashreeq Wajib and when is it Wajib ?


Sun Eclipse

The Namaz of Sun Eclipse is Sunnat-e-Maukidah and the Namaz for a Moon Eclipse is Mustahhab. It is Mustahhab to pray the Sun Eclipse Namaz by Jamaat but it can be prayed alone. If it is prayed with Jamaat then all the conditions are the same as per Juma except for the Khutba. The same person leads this Namaz as the same for Juma and if they are not available then the Namaz should be prayed alone either in the home or Mosque [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Radd-ul-Mohtar].